I often debate with myself what size should should I print my comics at. I was partial to half letter size but it feels pretty small to me (doesn't look it here but it is small). I like how tall US comic size is but I'd have to trim too much of the letter size sheet of paper.
Is something in between the two not an option? As for the given sizes, I personally can't say myself, sadly. My print standards seem to be pretty lax seeing as how my brain seems to be able to adjust accordingly to any size for a book and not feel like it's too big or too small.
I imagine material costs may play into how much you can reasonably print, as well..
Be it per page, per book, whatever. Again, I can't say myself, I can only guess; but it's def worth figuring out nonetheless.
It's gotta do with cost and the size of the sheets I'll be printing on.